Chef Crawly

My feet are sore from standing in the kitchen all day! Made some absolutely delicious shit. Started off with Parmesan baked chicken nuggets. OMFG amazing.


Perfect little snack size chicken bites.

Next I channelled my inner Martha and baked peanut butter cookies using ground oats instead of flour in the recipe. Unreal. Added a little green chocolate and voila! Christmas cookies!


No matter how hard I follow a recipe I always end up with a ball of dough that doesn’t fit the tray so I end up making Karlin a monster cookie because he is my love.


Lastly I put on my chef hat and went a bit gourmet with a fig balsamic pork tenderloin paired with a pancetta and garlic brussel sprout salad.



All of this, plus a delicious oatmeal and fruit breakfast, and still under 1200 calories! Barely.. I just ate 3 cookies haha. Plus a cardio and weight lifting session in the morning! If everyday were like today I would be a satisfied foodie! But other than grocery shopping, I pretty much spent all day revolving around the kitchen island! It was well worth it though because the leftovers are going to be marvelous…. JEN. Eat your leftovers :p

Hopefully tomorrow I can do something productive outside of the kitchen! Our electrical inspection was today and we Paaaaassssseeeddd! So we can start to drywall the basement 😀 so excited to get that bedroom downstairs ready for guests!

Anyways, just started last season of Sons of Anarchy. adios!