
Hi Internet Land!

I decided to write this blog and use it as an outlet for getting my thoughts out to the world. I can’t say that it will all be nice, insightful, and entertaining, but I will do my best to make you laugh and inspire you.

When I started writing, I had one follower. My girlfriend Jen. This is us.

You're Welcome

You’re Welcome

We both take our lives VERY seriously.

If you are wondering where I live, Goolgle “Fruitvale” in British Columbia. It is HUGE..if you are an ant. I just moved here from Calgary, which is enormous, so adjusting to a super small VILLAGE has been the biggest challenge in my life to date. But I did it for love. Le sigh.

If there’s anything you ever want to know about me, just ask 🙂 I am an open book blog. Also, I am always up for dares. Always. Thanks for following!

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